About Us

Tyerre El Amin Boyd

The Knowledge Circle Community Consulting, LLC focuses on interactive programming in the most challenging and sensitive areas of everyday life. I learned really quickly that this was the heavy lifting that nobody wanted to do. Therefore, we advocate for the revitalization of cooperative social behavior, emotional intelligence, and positive self-perception as a means of achieving self-efficacy. We believe that every individual person is a valuable asset to their respected community. When we are encouraged to invest in the power of positive behavior, WE create the paradigm for change in ourselves as well as in others. Our strategies and techniques are designed to cultivate positive and healthy human interaction, building relationships of productivity and personal responsibility to civic engagement.

Tyerre El Amin Boyd is the founder and CEO of The Knowledge Circle Community Consulting, LLC. We aim to provide quality services and programs to improve the mental, social, and emotional conditions of individuals and families in need.
After years of experience and carefully assessing the immediate needs of families and individuals facing common community challenges, we have developed services that aim address specific areas of concern beginning with affected individuals.
Our services are focused on identifying and managing the immediate and long-term effects of trauma by rekindling the excellence of human potential in the individual(s).