Program Goals, Objectives

The W.A.Y. (Who Are You?) Forward
Addresses the importance of character education and identity in light of today’s society. Entertain the questions that highlight qualities and characteristics of what it means to model “good” and “bad” character? How do we cultivate character? Why is character focus important? This particular module is designed to move from an external perspective towards introspection and self-evaluation.

Words Make People
The powerful use of everyday language in our daily living environment and how language influences thinking and behavior. You are what you eat! What is the “Ignition of Cognition”? The power of positive thinking. Thinking vs Feeling.

Mind Over Matter: (M.O.M.)
Manifesting the keys to conflict de-escalation. The importance of knowing when, why, and how to deescalate potential confrontational encounters. Whatever you practice, you will become good at it (video). This program


Goals, Objectives & Purpose

To embrace the responsibility of a positive self-image, self-respect, & self-acceptance necessary for defining and embracing a healthy Self-perception.

To address the identity and mismanaged personality crisis as it is a wide spread pandemic among our youth.

Challenge participants to redefine themselves by revisiting interpersonal relationships, social interactions, environment, music, and other possible outlets that influence identity. Explain “identity crisis” and methods for shedding unproductive, false and or incriminating identities that shape & provoke unfavorable character & behavior.

Methods of Approach

  • Group-setting (Circle style, Face to Face)
  • Oral/Interactive
  • Duration 60-90min, includes minimum 15min. Q.&A

Targeted Skills of Development

  • Cognitive intervention
  • Critical thinking skill sets,
  • Reevaluating self-esteem/Self-Image
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